There are many types of traders and techniques.  Loosely there is the scalp day trading, swing trading, position trading, and longer term position holding or managing.

Swing Trading for us means usually a few days to a few weeks maximum, but if we are up 4-12% within a day or so we will not hesitate to take our profits and move along.

Swing Trading reduces the tendency to get emotionally married to a position/stock that you entered a trade in.  Often once a stock you entered is going against you hard, you tend to make excuses as to why to keep it.  The longer you hold it, the more emotionally attached you get and the less likely you will make intelligent or logical decisions.

Swing Trading removes the emotion as much as possible with pre-defined objectives, suggested stop areas or loss limiting areas and more.

Swing Trading can actually reduce portfolio risk and increase returns at the same time when executed correctly.

Keeping a high cash balance at most times reduces overnight risks or over-betting risks on any one position.

Swing Trading lends itself well to ETF trading, 3x ETF’s, and individual stocks that are liquid.

Its common for us to buy a 4% pullback, then watch it reverse back 5% and we make the 4-5% gain… even though there has been net net little advance during that period of time.

Swing Trading works great for Reversal Patterns that we identify.