Traders and Investors often like to ask “How much does the premium service cost?”

Well, we like to say, how much does it cost if you don’t join? (It’s $99 a month or $249 per quarter by the way)


How many times have you made several profitable trades in a row, got a bit confident, then gave it all back on your next 1-2 trades?

How much is your time worth?  

$60,000 per year salary is $30.00 per hour.  At $99 a month or $83 a month for Quarterly members, will we save you at least 3 hours a month of your time researching, buying, selling, setting your stops, wondering about the market and what to do with your positions?  We think so… and then some.


How often do you see a stock dip you own and you are not sure if to buy more, sell it all, take a loss, or do nothing?  We figure all that out for you


85% of Traders trail the SP 500 index in performance, and maybe at best  break even during the year.  The reason is lack of experience in the markets, not really so much intelligence.  Also human behavior works against you and you make bad decisions at tops and bottoms.  We think that is where we come in to reduce your mistakes, reduce your losses, increase your winners and your confidence


Our team has 25 years of Trading experience on average, we have made more mistakes than you can shake a stick at.  That is why we make fewer now, lessons learned experience.


How much time do you spend looking for a stock to buy, trade, or swing trade?  How frustrating is that to see stocks moving up that you missed, or you buy too close to the top?


Do you ever wonder if the broader market is peaking or bottoming?  We use our Elliott Wave experience along with a few other indicators to help you with SPECIFIC price points to watch for highs and lows.  This helps you determine when to take  the foot off the gas, or put the foot on the gas…. usually at the opposite time you were thinking.

Stop Losses:

Ever wonder how loose or tight to place a stop?  Answer: Depends on many factors, position size, risk profile, type of security, implied volatility and more… we take care of that for you.

When to sell?:

My stock is up 20%, 30% 50%, 80%… (lots of those at  When do I sell, sell some, or sell all?  We have indicators that are amazing at picking near tops to get out of positions or at least reduce them.  That alone is going to cover your $99 cost.


Ever join another trading service and not be able to reach the strategists?  That wont happen here… 

We could go on, but for $99 a month of $83 a month if quarter ($249 per quarter) this is a low cost service, with a high potential return.